I used to stitch quite a few photos together but I haven't done it for a while, I had to replace my PC a while ago and I hadn't re-installed Autostitch, the program I used. It's a free program and available to download here
http://cs.bath.ac.uk/brown/autostitch/autostitch.html It's a fully automated program, you chose the settings - file size etc, select the files you want to use and then the program does the work for you.
I usually do one quick run on low size settings and then a second one at a higher resolution, when producing a file for maximum resolution it takes a lot longer to run than when using lower settings so I run the lower setting to make usre it will stitch together properly.
When it installs it doesn't show in the list of programs, you have to launch it from the folder where you installed it. I have created a shortcut on the desktop.
You must choose the settings first, as soon as you select the images the program starts to run. To start, open up the program and then select edit>options. This should open up new screen.
I usually select the scale option on the top left hand corner and change this to 100%, then click ok, I also change the JPEG quality (bottom right hand corner) to 100.
then select file and chose the files you want to merge, I used these files
I like to have a large overlap between the photos, if I were merging manually then I would have less overlap but since it's an automated program I go for more.
this produces a file like this
I then crop down to this
if you want to see some more of my photos that have been stitched together like this then visit my
stitched photo Flickr set.