Tuesday, 24 April 2012

riverside steam and vintage vehicle rally

antar military truck 6fred dibnah landrover 3fred dibnah landrover 4fred dibnah landrover 2fred dibnah landrover 1fred dibnah landrover 6
fred dibnah landrover 5ferguson tef 20 1953 tractorbsa sidecar racer 2bsa sidecar racer 1bedford romany campervan 9bedford romany campervan 8
bedford romany campervan 7bedford romany campervan 6bedford romany campervan 5bedford romany campervan 4bedford romany campervan 3bedford romany campervan 2
bedford romany campervan 1austin healey 100 6austin healey 100 5austin healey 100 4austin healey 100 3austin healey 100 2
I visited the Riverside Steam and Vintage Vehichle Rally at the weekend. I have uploaded some of the photo's to my flickr account if you want to check them out, I will upload more over the next week or so. My favourite car was an Austin Healey 100 in blue, made me want one. riverside steam and vintage vehicle rally

Saturday, 21 April 2012

Blue Tit

I put this feeder up in my garden a couple weeks ago and went out today to get some photos of the birds on it. Here is one of a blue tit.

Blue Tit by garyd155
Blue Tit, a photo by garyd155 on Flickr.

Sunday, 15 April 2012

race car

Another shot in my series of table top silhouette's, a toy car.

race car by garyd155
race car, a photo by garyd155 on Flickr.

Taken using my Sony A450 and 30mm macro lens (SAL30M28) and using a basic desk lamp for the light source.

Tuesday, 10 April 2012

A Pink Bluebell

I was out in my garden today and I noticed that one of the bluebells had turned pink. I snapped this shot of it, I really like the colour of it and I will try and collect seed from it later in the year.

A Pink Bluebell by garyd155
A Pink Bluebell, a photo by garyd155 on Flickr.

Monday, 9 April 2012

366 challenge day 100 - 9th april

My Day 100 photo. I had got out of sequence with my photos and thought today should have been day 99. only took me 20 minutes to find out where I had gone wrong.

This shot is similar to another one I took earlier using red grapes.

366 challenge day 100 - 9th april by garyd155
366 challenge day 100 - 9th april, a photo by garyd155 on Flickr.

Reverse a Lens - Budget Macro

I have bought a reverse mount that allows me to mount a lens backwards on my Sony DSLR. When used backwards a standard lens can be used to take macro photographs. I bought mine from Ebay for £2.99 and it came with a 52mm-55mm step ring so I can mount 52mm and 55mm filter sized lenses in reverse. I'm now on the lookout for a cheap 28mm lens to use with it.

Sunday, 8 April 2012

classic car shows

I've been planning days out for the year and I want to visit a few classic car shows - this site has quite a comprehensive list.

Wednesday, 4 April 2012

Planning Photography Days Out

I have been planning some days out that are coming up this year where I think there will be interesting things to photograph.

I live just outside Preston (in Lancashire, UK) and this year it is the Guild Festival, every 20 years there is series of events to celebrate the Preston Guild. So far there has been the Global Rainbow - link to my photos here - there are a few more events planned for later in the year. There are the usual events in Preston every year such as the easter egg rolling in Avenham Park which I will be taking my daughter to on Monday.

There is a Chinese Kite festival later in the month which should be a good oportunity, there are always fabulous colours at Chinese festivals. There are a lot more events in September that I wil decide nearer the time what to see.
I also plan to visit a few car shows this year, there are two in Southport which is less than 30 minutes driva away. One is on the 21st and 22nd of April, the other is at the start of August. Both look like they should be good but I haven't been to either before.

There is also a musical firework competition in Southport during september as well.

I haven't planned much more than this yet. I'll post liks to the photos here after I have been to them.

Tuesday, 3 April 2012

Photographers Rights

There is a lot of miss-information about what you can and cannot do when taking photo's in public places. Some of it is people making things up, the rest is confusion as the laws change from country to country. I have found this on the Metropolitan Police website so I think we can trust what it says.
This Hammer Review has been doing the rounds for the last day or so, check it out its worth a laugh or two. Pick your favourite hammer user - I can't decide between MC or Thor.

Monday, 2 April 2012

old spanner

Today's photo, an old spanner shot in colour, converted to black and white with a film grain added.

old spanner by garyd155
old spanner, a photo by garyd155 on Flickr.

Sunday, 1 April 2012

March 2012 mosaic

I have finished my March photots from my 366 day project. This is the mosaic for the month.
March 2012 mosaic by garyd155
March 2012 mosaic, a photo by garyd155 on Flickr.